Kids Tooth Extractions—Dublin, CA

How We Make Troublesome Teeth Disappear

Even though their baby teeth are supposed to fall out on their own, many children end up needing a tooth extraction in Dublin for the sake of their oral health and daily comfort. While the team at Waterford Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics of Dublin does everything we can to help our growing patients preserve their natural teeth for as long as possible, issues like decay, accidents, and stubborn baby teeth may require us to help nature along. If you think your child has a problem tooth that needs to go, call us today to schedule their appointment.

Why Choose Waterford Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics of Dublin for Kids Tooth Extractions?

  • Led by Multiple Certified Pediatric Dentists
  • Same-Day Emergency Dental Appointments
  • Sedation Dentistry for Anxious Kids

Reasons Why Tooth Extractions Are Necessary

Toddler pointing to their mouth

Your child’s dentist might recommend a tooth extraction if…

  • The tooth is so damaged or decayed that it can’t be repaired with a filling or crown
  • A persistent baby tooth won’t fall out and is blocking an adult tooth
  • More room is needed in the mouth for orthodontics

The Process of Removing a Tooth

Young boy smiling and pointing at teeth

The first thing we tell every child and parent before an extraction is that we never pull teeth. Rather, we gently wiggle one until it slips out on its own! We understand that this kind of procedure can make people nervous, so we’ll be sure to answer you and your child’s questions to put your minds at ease.

On the day of treatment, we’ll thoroughly numb the area, provide sedation if needed, and do everything we can to ensure your child stays calm and comfortable throughout the entire process.

Tooth Extraction Aftercare

Child eating scrambled eggs after tooth extraction

You should plan on your child staying home from school or daycare on the day of their extraction. We’ll have them bite down on a small piece of gauze to help control the bleeding (this is normal), and it will need to be changed out after a few hours.

Do your best to make sure your child doesn’t use their tongue or fingers to mess with the treatment site. It needs time to heal like any other “boo boo!” They should ideally avoid drinking with a straw, spitting, or engaging in any rigorous physical activity for the rest of the day.

Stock up on items like yogurt, soup, pudding, and scrambled eggs so they can follow a soft food diet for at least the first few days. This will give their mouth the best possible chance to heal nice and fast.